Unlock the power of profound transformation with this exclusive program dedicated to deep energetic shifts and spiritual transformation.

the alchemist program

A High-Level Spiritual and Ascension Mentorship Program

You are ready to unlock your Souls Highest Purpose.

Seize this chance to embark on a transformative path – your journey to inner harmony begins here.

By embarking on this transformative journey, you're not just investing in a program; you're investing in your own well-being and spiritual evolution. Embrace the energy of change, align your spirit, and experience a profound shift that resonates at the core of your being.

Join hands with me and my team of skilled healers as we guide you through high-level spiritual practices, hypnotherapy, and energy modalities. Our program offers a unique opportunity to delve into the depths of your being, facilitating meaningful change and lasting healing.

I’m Mackenzie!

Ascension Facilitator | Hypnotherapist | Past-Life + Energy Healer

Empowering souls to ascend towards profound spiritual enlightenment and inner harmony, I am dedicated to guiding individuals on their transformative journey.

As a hypnotherapist and past-life healer, my mission is to facilitate deep energetic shifts, enabling profound spiritual transformations. I am committed to creating a sacred space where ancient wisdoms meet modern practicality to foster a profound sense of ascension within each soul I encounter.

Through personalized sessions and compassionate guidance, I aim to illuminate the path toward self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. Together, we embark on a sacred odyssey, transcending boundaries and ascending towards higher states of consciousness, ultimately embracing a life of purpose, peace, and ascended fulfillment.

This is the Era of Ascension.

The Alchemist Mentorship Program is a pathway for deep spiritual and personal mastery using advanced intuitive healing techniques, award-winning hypnotherapy modalities, and cutting-edge energy practices.

Over a period of 6 months, you will be working with me and my entire team of healers and intuitives to make those energetic shifts you desire.

Why The Alchemist?

  • Conscious Co-Creation

    This is The Era of Ascension. We have reincarnated countless times and we are ready to experience this earthly plane from a higher perspective. This means reconnecting with the divine wisdom of our soul and spirit team so we can consciously create a life we desire.

  • Walk Your Highest Purpose

    Discovering and living in alignment with a higher purpose gives individuals a sense of fulfillment, guiding their actions, decisions, and goals. We become one with the flow of the universe and this is where our greatest abundance, prosperity and joy resides.

  • Tap into Your DNA Potential

    We all have a divine energetic blueprint that no one else on earth encompasses. This is encoded in our DNA. By expanding the light frequency of our DNA, we can access higher potentials, enhance your intuition and have a deeper connection with the spiritual realm.

  • Deepen Your Intuition

    We all have an internal compass, but it often goes neglected. Reconnect with the wisdom of Your Higher Self for heart-centered decision making and clear discernment.

  • Rewire Subconscious Programming

    Your subconscious is running 95% of your life. We believe we are in control of our lives, but we are not. Uncover what outdated beliefs system are residing in your subconscious and rewire them for success and fulfillment.

  • Expand Your Consciousness

    A heightened state of awareness often sparks creativity and innovative thinking. Expanding consciousness can lead to the discovery of new ideas, perspectives, and solutions, both in personal and professional endeavors.

  • Get Reiki Attuned

    Reiki attunements open your energy channels, allowing the universal life force energy to flow freely through your body. You may apply Reiki to balance just about anything in your life; chakras, health and emotional issues, money imbalances, and more. Reiki serves as a powerful initiation into the world of energy healing and spiritual transformation.

  • Turn on Your Super Powers

    Residing within every human being is an untapped genius potential. Through shadow-work and Akashic Channel work, uncover your souls true gifts and get steps straight from Spirit on how to bring those to life.

  • Raise Your Vibration

    This is where science meets spirituality. There is a true art form and process to raising your vibration and expanding your frequencies. This is the key to unlocking your manifestation powers. Based on the profound consciousness philosophies of David Hawkins, we will actively alter your state of being so you can attract higher frequency experiences into your life.

If you are ready to up-level your life and make a life-long spiritual transformation, mainstream modalities, processes and systems no longer apply.

The Alchemist Mentorship Program is for the person who is ready to let go and allow their soul to take them to their Fullest Expression.

What you need is an energy makeover.

True transformation goes beyond the realm of conscious thought; it requires delving into the depths of the subconscious mind and making permanent spiritual and energetic shifts.

Welcome to Your Transformation.

The Alchemist Mentorship Program consists of individual healing sessions, classroom, library and group container.

Phase 1: Uncreation. Phase 2: Creation.

Chapter 1

The Pathway of Archangel Sandolphon

Setting Your Intentions and Light Laws

Learn how to work with deep, heart-centered intention which is the backbone to all your manifestations. You will also learn the basics of Energy and Universal Laws and working with LIGHT SOURCE ENERGY. This chapter is very expansive for ones growth as you learn how to energetically and physically protect and ground your energy for consciousness development.

We will also kick you off with your personalized Soul Contract and Gene Keys to explore your energetic imprint for your Highest Purpose. These will be life-long tools for you.


Kick off session with Kristen Hancox

Exploring your Akashic Records and channeling your Spirit Guides and other Light Guides for soul wisdom, soul plan and getting direct advice about the path of your journey here inside The Alchemist.

Past-Life with Mackenzie Flick

We will clear past-lives related to your current issues. We will clear timelines, karmic chakras, and portals in your DNA keeping you stuck in looping patterns.

Channeling The Akashic Records with Kristen Hancox

Chapter 2

Bridging Your Physical and Subconscious Realities

We want to create balance and harmony between your physical reality and subconscious realities. You will learn how to invoke The Higher Self to help you shift into the powerful creator that you are. Then balance that with forgiveness practices that will help you clear timelines, blocks, and patterns that are standing between you and your desired manifestations.

Healing Sessions:

Hypnotherapy Session with Mackenzie Flick- Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is the award-winning therapy that combines the most beneficial hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and neuroscience principles.

Energy Clearing Session #1 with Cynthia Budd- These energy clearing sessions are game changing. Cindy takes a deep look at your energy and clears the blocked emotions keeping your vibration low.  This includes clearing your chakras and aura so they are functioning 100%. This is vital to your physical health and ability to manifest.

Clearing Love Blocks Workshop with Cynthia Budd

The Pathway of Archangel Gabriel

Chapter 3

The Pathway of Archangel Raphael

Raising Your Vibration

Learn the science of “Raising Your Vibration” and how we can clear trauma, blocked emotions, and karmic energies that attract everything you do not want. When you clear your energy, you expand your vibrational frequency; connecting you to higher states of consciousness, deepening your awareness and enhancing your spiritual development.

Healing Sessions:

Genetic Healing Session with Mackenzie Flick: We will be cleansing and clearing your genetic strands. We will also clear entities and thought forms if applicable to you. If any future lifetime energies come through, we will balance those.

Intuitive Trauma Session with Jacqueline Parsel: Get ready for a mind-blowing session. Jacqueline goes deep into your consciousness and pulls out all the weeds and trauma imprints sitting in your body and consciousness. We have the energetic imprints of trauma in our bodies from current and past-life experiences. These keep us massively stuck and in fear-based patterns. She clears them rapidly.

Healing Session with Jacqueline Parsel

Chapter 4

The Pathway of Archangel Hanael

Taking Care of Ourselves Through Self-Love and Trauma Healing

As souls, we have experienced so much in this physical plane. Now we are in the Era of Ascension and we are clearing trauma imprints and karmic memory from our bodies and energy bodies. This helps improve your emotional well-being and will help you regain a session of control and agency in your life. Integrate working WITH your body for spiritual/personal development and consciousness expansion with Your Body is a Compass.

Healing Sessions:

Vortex Healing Hypnotherapy Session with Mackenzie Flick- We will do a body sweep to clean and clear stagnant energies, thought patterns, and emotions that are no longer serving you.

Reiki Attunement Session with Cindy: You will get attuned with Reiki Healing Energy so you can heal yourself! This light force energy can significantly impact your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Chapter 5

The Pathway of Archangel Michael

Leveraging the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Inspired by the worlds leading Hypnotherapist, Marissa Peer, learn how to work with the powers of Your Subconscious Mind. The subconscious holds the keys to so many of your issues and manifestations in your life. We believe that our conscious minds are creating our realities, but it is simply the observer. When you harness the basic principles of the subconscious mind into your daily life, this is how you consciously shift your life.

Healing Sessions:

Past-Life Healing and Quantum Coaching Session with Mackenzie Flick- We will go deeper and start cleaning out Atlantean memories and past life karmic energies. We are being called to heal our Atlantean and Lemurian ties.

Open Session- The session that will be scheduled for Chapter 5 will be totally dependent on your needs. Some clients need additional energy clearing, hypnotherapy work, or need Akashic Direction at this point in the program.

Chapter 6

The Pathway of Archangel Kamael

Connecting With Your Spirit Guides and Clearing Karma

In this chapter, you will learn how to collaborate with Your Spirit Guides! Your spirit guides are your biggest asset, yet we rarely ask for the intervention. We do not need to do everything on our own. Time to reconnect and allocate tasks to them.

Additionally, you will be learn the basic of Karma and how to work WITH KARMA and not against it.  As we ascend, we are actively clearing karma at rapid rates so we want to be able to recognize it and understand how to stop creating more “negative karma.” We are moving out of the reincarnation cycle, so let’s get off the karmic wheel already!

Healing Sessions:

Open Session with Mackenzie Flick- We can choose whatever type of session is required for you. Intuitive or Hypnotherapy.

Energy Clearing Session #2 with Cindy- This is your second session with Cindy and she will clean your chakras and aura and continue to clear blocked emotions of your choice.

Chapter 7

Healing Relationships and Unconditional Love

The quality of our lives is a direction reflection of the quality of our relationships. At the same time, the quality of our relationships is a direct reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. We want to turn the DRAMA into DHARMA. We’ve been through enough chaos in our relationships and it’s time to open ourselves energetically to create deep, heart-centered and soul-led relationships.

Healing Sessions:

Violet Flame Healing Session with Mackenzie Flick- Clear karma between you and loved ones, past lives, cord cutting and balance feminine and masculine energies.

Relationship Healing Session with Jacqueline Parsel: This will be a similar format to the trauma healing session, but we will look at relationships patterns. All the drama and karmic patterns we see in our relationship can come from past-lives, childhood trauma, and vows made with past lovers (even those in past-lives!). We will also look at self-love and self-sabotage issues keeping you from creating desirable relationships in your life.

The Pathway of Archangel Zadkiel

Chapter 8

The Pathway of Archangel Cassiel

Life Purpose and Divine Soul Alignment

Your Life Purpose! For a shift of focus, we will now turn our attention the “Creation” portion of the programs since we have UNCREATED so much energy up to this point. We will get our hands on with dialing in on your Souls Purpose and use Quantum techniques to help materialize your Big Visions.

Healing Sessions:

Metatron Attunement for Life Purpose with Mackenzie Flick- This session will help you clear energetic imprints and reconnect you with your Highest Soul Frequency. This includes Akashic Channel Work and releasing more trauma energies in the body.

Life Purpose Intuitive and Hypnotherapy Session with Mackenzie Flick- You get me double time this Chapter! We will focus on Quantum projections and Gene Keys to get you aligned with Your Highest Purpose!

Chapter 9

The Pathway of Archangel Raziel

Pure Potentiality and Creative Forces

We have infinite potential to bring the unmanifest into the manifest. When we are connected to our Higher Wisdom and Creative Insight, this attracts abundance and money. Money is a necessary part of life and it assists us in carrying our life’s Highest Purpose.

Learn to work with the energy of money and open up your channels to receive abundance in all ways.

Healing Sessions:

Abundance and Money Hypnotherapy Session with Mackenzie Flick- RTT for Money Blocks is POWERFUL! You will be shocked to see how we create our own blocks and self-sabotage programs in our subconscious when it comes to money. We want to rewire your brain for financial success!

Energy Clearing Session #3 with Cindy- This is your final session with Cindy and we will clean your chakras and aura and continue to clear blocked emotions of your choice.

Chapter 10

The Pathway of Archangel Metatron

Life Purpose and Divine Soul Alignment

We are creators. Everything in our lives is a direct manifestation of our creativity. In this Era of Ascension, we are coming out of unconsciously creating and into Conscious Creating. Get back in touch with your SOULS CREATIVE ESSENCE, YOUR MAGIC, and INFINITE CREATIVE POWERS!

Healing Sessions:

Clearing Kundalini Channels Session with Mackenzie Flick – This session is not a “Kundalini Awakening” session, but we will clear the kundalini channels for you that may be harboring traumas and past life energy. This can assist you in activating your spiritual gifts, heightened creative energies, heightened energy levels, and give you a deeper awareness of your souls highest purpose.

Akashic Channel with Neil Disyamonthon: We will go deep into your Soul Records to end your journey here in The Alchemist. Neil is an advanced channeler and powerful healer that can bring much wisdom and creative power to your awareness. Ask any question you desire and get answers to assist you moving forward.

Akashic Session with Neil Disy

Included in the program is:

  • Your Soul Contract

  • The Gene Keys Book to discover Your Highest Purpose

  • Library of Hypnosis Audios and Guided Meditations

  • Access to Sōlchemy™ Social Platform

  • Year Access to High-Level Spiritual Group Container inside Sōlchemy™

Meet the Team

  • Mackenzie Flick

    Ascension Facilitator | Hypnotherapist | Past-Life Healer

  • Cynthia Budd

    Reiki Master Teacher | Intuitive + Angelic Life Coach

  • Jacqueline Parsel

    Intuitive Trauma Healer | Psychic Medium

  • Neil Disyamonthon

    Akashic Records Channeler

  • Kristen Hancox

    Intuitive Akashic Channeler | Psychic Medium

Enrollment Options

most transformative



The Full Experience with VIP Support

Individual Healing Sessions with Entire Team of Healers with Group Container Access

  • This is the Full Alchemist Ascension Program.

    Included with this tier is 20 one-on-one healing sessions.

    This program is segmented into 10 Chapters for the Pathway of Ascension.

    Within each chapter, you will be working with me, one other healer/intuitive, and then have a “break week.”

    You will be given the tools along the way that you can use for the rest of your life to assist in your healing and consciousness expansion.


    Access to Solchemy+ Alchemist Activated Group Container for 12 Months

    Personalized Soul Contract (this is about a ~60 page personalized document exploring your soul contract. This will give you a deeper understanding to your sufferings, conflict and challenges in life with suggestions on how to transmute those karmic energies)

    The Gene Keys Book

    Access to Classroom and Online Library


    If you are looking to fine-tune your career/business life and money situation, I suggest looking at The Alchemist Money and Business Edition. That program includes the full Abundance Clearing with Cindy and it is life changing.

    The Golden Buddha Tier can still address these needs, but it is not the main focus.



Group Container and 4 Individual Sessions

Access to Group Container with 4 Individual Sessions

  • With the Goldfish Tier Program, this is a perfect step to get introduced to the world of healing and quantum manifestation.

    Get personalized support with a handful of highly skilled and talented healers with community support inside the group container.

    Sessions Include:

    1 Hypnotherapy Session with Mackenzie Flick

    1 Past-Life and Intuitve Healing Session with Mackenzie Flick

    1 Akashic Channel Session for Life Purpose with Neil Disyamonthon

    1 Intuitive Trauma Healing Session with Jacqueline Parsel


    This is for access to Solchemy+ Alchemist Activated Group Container

    Included are quarterly group healing sessions, hypnotherapy, interactive masterclasses, guest speakers, and masterminds.



Group Container Only

Year Access to Group Healing Events, Masterclasses, and Social Forum

  • This is for access to Solchemy+ Alchemist Activated Group Container Only.

    Included are quarterly group healing sessions, hypnotherapy, interactive masterclasses, guest speakers, and masterminds.

    No individual sessions are included in this Starter Tier.

If you watched the Intuitive Trauma Healing session, this is the follow-up.

This is my welcome video inside Solchemy, but it sums up how these quantum leaps are made doing this type of healing work.

Healing Session with Intuitive Trauma Coach, Jacqueline Parsel.

Presenting Problem: Anger

What surfaced? Trauma from past-lives, causing disruption in my business.

Need a bit more clarity on how all this works?

Perhaps this video content can help fill in the dots and create a picture of how this will work for you.

Putting how all of these “unwarranted” emotions and unsatisfactory life experiences can be traced to past lives.

This is the kind of stuff we want to be clearing in the “uncreation” portion of this program

A brief description of The Alchemist and how this works.

Some educational content. Just to give you an idea of what the classroom will look like.

You can watch the full Magic Mission Series for free inside Solchemy.


A great overview The Alchemist and why we need to address the energetic/subconscious aspects of ourselves.

allow me to answer some questions

  • The Alchemist Ascension Program is for the soul on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual transformation. Eager to embark on a transformative odyssey, they are open-minded, deeply introspective, and ready to explore the depths of their being.

    They seek more than just surface-level change; they yearn for a holistic transformation that encompasses mind, body, and soul.

    With a thirst for knowledge and a passion for personal growth, they are enthusiastic about the prospect of diving into the realms of hypnotherapy, guided by their willingness to explore the subconscious mind.

    They value the power of collaboration and are excited to work with our team of skilled healers, recognizing the potency of collective energy and wisdom.

    In this program, they find not just a curriculum but a sacred space for their soul to expand, heal, and thrive, surrounded by supportive energies and the guidance needed for their ultimate spiritual metamorphosis.

  • Addressing doubt is an essential step in the transformative journey of spiritual and energy healing. It's natural to question the intangible, especially when it comes to matters of the spirit and unseen energies.

    Embracing change requires an open mind and a willingness to believe in the potential for healing beyond the visible realm.

    One must recognize that doubt, although normal, can act as a barrier to the very change they seek. By acknowledging these doubts and approaching spiritual and energy healing with an open heart, individuals create a pathway for transformation.

    Trust in the process, even when it feels uncertain; it's in these moments of uncertainty that the most profound shifts can occur. With patience, self-compassion, and a receptive mindset, doubt can gradually dissolve, paving the way for the profound healing and spiritual growth that is waiting on the other side.

  • Engaging in spiritual, energy, and subconscious healing can yield transformative and holistic results that ripple through every aspect of your life.

    Spiritual healing often leads to a deepened connection with your higher self and a greater understanding of your life's purpose, fostering a sense of clarity and purposefulness.

    Energy healing facilitates the unblocking and balancing of your body's energy centers, promoting physical vitality and mental clarity.

    Subconscious healing allows you to release deep-seated fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs, enabling self-love and empowerment to flourish.

    As a result, you may experience enhanced intuition, improved self-esteem and confidence, and a renewed zest for life.

    Ultimately, the integration of spiritual, energy, and subconscious healing can pave the way for a life and career marked by joy, fulfillment, and spiritual enlightenment.

  • Individual sessions tend to run around 90 minutes.

    We want to schedule the majority of your sessions on a weekday and we do have some Saturday mornings available.

    You may schedule your sessions accordingly, but I do have a suggested calendar.

    You are not required to show up to the group masterminds and classes, but it is highly recommended for your own growth and the experience of fellow team members inside the container.

  • Since you will be working with an entire team of healers, your sessions will vary depending on what you need.

    Your sessions will also vary depending on what Spirit is guiding us to do for you. Sometimes we think we are setting up a session for a particular reason, but we get directed somewhere else because that is where the true root of your issues reside.

    Every single session I have ever conducted, my clients have left feeling lighter and having more clarity and purpose.

    I suggest you take a look at some of the provided video material to get a better look at what to expect.

Hear what the people are saying!


  • “I’m so grateful I found you! You been very very helpful to me in my spiritual journey and in my life…”

    Client March 2022

  • The RTT Hypnotherapy session was life-changing. Mackenzie guided me to understand how experiences in my past are negatively impacting me and gave me the tools to recognize this and move forward without feeling the negative impacts. Mackenzie is lovely and made me feel comfortable right away. I highly recommend working with her!

    Client April 2022

  • I just finished my session with Jacqueline and she is AMAZING! I have been feeling a lot better and lighter. I my sleep has been so peaceful, it’s crazy! 

    A client who has never slept well

  • "I can't believe I haven't done this sooner."

    Post session text with Cindy

  • "Yesterday when we spoke I threw out that my intention would be to sleep, and I did! 9+ hours last night!"

    Another client who cannot sleep after first session inside program

  • "The correlations are just so amazing to me, how every little thing is connected."

    Post Cindy session

  • "I have my appetite back. I want to work out, I want to eat. It is such a good feeling to feel like I am human again. You literally awakened stuff in me. You guys, she knows what's up and I would recommend that hypnotherapy session a hundred times over."

    A happy client dealing with autoimmune and extreme chronic fatigue

Reconnect with Your Highest Self and Start Your Self-Discovery Journey by Enrolling in The Alchemist.